Crestar Select Flow Nozzle


•    Selectable gallonage nozzle with multiple flow settings
•    Stainless steel spinning fog teeth
•    Stainless steel ball enables ball shut off handle to work smoothly at extreme ranges
•    Straight stream to wide fog and flush without shutting down
•    Permanent anodized indicator bands
•    Metal Horseshoe handle
•    Multiple pattern detents for positive positioning
•    Swivel female inlet with strainer
•    Wide fog for maximum operator protection
•    NFPA 1964 compliant
•    100 PSI (7.0 BAR), 75 PSI (5 BAR) or 50 PSI (3.5 BAR) models available
•    NH or NPSH threads
•    All nozzles available with or without pistol grip

Tip Only Models Available:  (Tip Only models do not include pistol grip or ball shut-off)
•    SF125T
•    SF200T
•    SF250T

Model Inlet Length Weight (lbs.)



High Pressure Models (100 PSI / 7 Bar)
SF30 1" 7" 3.8 100/7.0 12-23-30
SF40 1" 7" 3.8 100/7.0 5-10-24-40
SF125 1.5" 8.5" 3.8 100/7.0 30-60-95-125
SF125T (Tip Only) 1.5" 6.4" 2.0 100/7.0 30-60-95-125
SF200-1.5 1.5"
9.8" 5.5  100/7.0 95-125-150-200
SF200-2.5 2.5" 9.8" 5.5 100/7.0 95-125-150-200
SF200T (Tip Only) 1.5" 7" 3.2" 100/7.0 95-125-150-200
SF200X-1.5 1.5"
9.8" 5.5 100/7.0  30-60-95-125-150-200
SF200X-2.5 2.5" 9.8" 5.5 100/7.0 30-60-95-125-150-200
SF250 2.5" 9.8" 6.3 100/7.0  95-125-150-200-250
SF250T (Tip Only)
1.5" 7" 3.2 100/7.0 95-125-150-200-250
Low Pressure Models (75 PSI / 5 Bar)
SF125-LP75 1.5" 8.5" 3.8 75/5 30-60-95-125
SF125T-LP75 (Tip Only)  1.5" 6.4" 2.0 75/5 30-60-95-125
SF150-LP75 1.5" 9" 3.9 75/5 30-60-95-125-150
SF200-LP75-1.5 1.5" 9.8" 5.5 75/5 95-125-150-200
SF200-LP75-2.5 2.5" 9.8" 5.5 75/5 95-125-150-200
SF200T-LP75 (Tip Only)
1.5" 7" 3.2 75/5 95-125-150-200
SF200X-LP75-1.5 1.5" 9.8" 5.5 75/5 30-60-95-125-150-200
SF200X-LP75-2.5 2.5" 9.8" 5.5 75/5 30-60-95-125-150-200
SF250-LP75 2.5" 9.8" 6.3 75/5 95-125-150-200-250
SF250T-LP75 (Tip Only)
1.5" 7" 3.2   95-125-150-200-250


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